The Dairy Team currently consists of eight members, including Doctoral, Masters, Microbiology Honours and Veterinary Technology graduates.
Only high precision and high accuracy instruments are utilised in our dairy analysis. These include a flow cytometer and FTIR, both unique and specialised for dairy analysis.
Our Dairy Department currently processes between 2 000 to 3 000 samples per week! Additional capacity is available, if necessary.
Our Dairy Department services the following types of customers:
- Dairy Farmers (both clinical and herd health / surveillance)
- Veterinarians
- Milk Buyers / Traders / Transporters
- Dairy Processing Plants (both for the large and general retail / consumer market as well the small and specialised)
For the herd and udder health / surveillance testing, GHL highly recommends the services of Synergy Udder Health. Synergy’s excellent and efficient teams will ensure that the results issued by our Dairy Laboratory will be the best representation of your herd.
Please contact Dr Niall Watkins or Matt Wills on seesamtradingcc@gmail.com or 076 430 7888.